Wed 08 Jan
70😘SUP€R S€XY_ *!*💋💦B🍭G B👀TY💦_*!* 316·536·0209_*!* 💦SL🍭PPERY💦 _*!* ( AMAZ🍭NG SK🍭LLZ)😜70 - 22
(Stamford, Milford New Haven Bridgeport IN & OUT)
▀❤_Asian ❤__________INCALL____❤ NEW IN TOWN _ GUARANTEED_ SEXY❤❤860-794-9520 - 23
(New Haven, brandford)
AVAILAßLE ~ Very Pretty •> ßusty ßlonde ßomßshell • "AmaZing AmaNda" 100% Skilled :) - 39
(Eastern Connecticut, Incall I95 Mystic/New London "area")
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, 1)
💖【300 InCalls 24/7】💝↹ 💝💯%%%%%%%%%Rεaℓ↱📷!】💝↹↹💝 【KiLLer✅ CuRvEs】 💝↹↹💝【ThE BeSt】Specials💝 - - 24
(New Haven)
Stressed out? Tense? Muscles sore? Let me take the edge off (4 a limited time! outcall only) - 38
(New Haven, Prov & surrounding (outcall only!))
Welcome—————— ————— to ———————— Blue Angel —————————— Spa————— ————— Beautiful ——— ———— — Asians wnd - 23
(New Haven, Bridgeport, CT 203 368 4494)
💘 💘 (2) HOT VIXENS AVAILABLE!! Credit / Debit Cards Accepted - IN / OUT CALLS - 21
$80 special 👯freak in the sheets &💄👠 lady in the streets 💋💋SPECIALS 💖💖 🍒💯 - 28
(New Haven, New haven I-95 new location)
====Hot!!==Hot!!! New Spa == Staff from Korea!!!!!! - 25
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, Milford CT)
❤❤AmAzInG tOuCh....BIG bOoTy,..SuLtRy.....WhY wAIt?? 100 hhr 175 hr❤❤ - 32
(Milford, Milford incalls)
🌊🌊🌊—EXCELLENT 💨—🌊🌊🌊🌊— RELAXING 💨—ASIAN💨—Massage ——By—🌊— PRETTY 💨—✦—ASIAN 💨—✦—staff—🌊—— - 26
(838 Main St, Monroe, CT ☎☎ 203-880-9842, New Haven)
Since Aug.2012 No Days Off. Why Would I Want To? - 99
(Area East of Stratford private apt., New Haven)
Solve PE & ED naturally and Learn Tantra Techniques & massage for healing. - 55
(Hartford, Branford CT (a bit East of New Haven CT))
▃ ▅ ▆ █ ♡# 1 Hottie In Town♡ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ♡Available ✔㏂✔㏘!! • FiRsT cLaSs @ It's Finest ✮ ✮ - 21
(New Haven, Milford Incalls Only...last night here..)
Ever fantasize about a gorgeous petite local girl w/ wild side giving U the bodyrub of your life? - 30
(New Haven, Incall New Haven area off I95/outcall CT)
60ss🆕🍬💋🍦wαղт Mҽ օղ Mყ βαk🍯💋🍦 օɾ 🍬🍦Mαყβҽ օղ(80hh)Mყ kղҽҽႽ 🍬(Juicy BOoty)140hr - 22
(New Haven, WestHAven Incalls only)
Grand open call 203-213-6682 @@@in 632 E main st Meriden .CT - 25
(New Haven, 632 E main St Meriden.CT)
💦💖Hottest 💦💖the baddest in game💦💖 😜must see 😉😍😜😘 - 24
(Bridgeport derby milford Newhaven, New Haven)
Massaging, cuddling..I do it ALL. I'm not shy, very open minded.AVAILABLE NOW!! - 20
(New Haven, EAST HAVEN/Branford/New Haven)
new 😊soft silky hands 👍& tlc & fully nude to nude warm body👙 glide 🎰😘 - 24
(Hartford, New Haven, New haven and alone)
Topless Full Rub Soft Hands & Warm Lips.Prostate M@ssage.WOW. Incall/Outcall HOTELS - 44
(New Haven, Milford Private Condo. 203-836-9433)
🔴❎❎❎❎❎🔴 NEW FACE 🔴❎❎❎❎❎🔴 KOREAN 🔴❎❎❎❎❎🔴 AMAZING&FANTASTIC; 🔴❎❎❎❎❎🔴 JUST ARRIVED 🔴❎❎❎❎❎🔴 - 21
(MILFORD/// I-95 ex 39A, New Haven)
1OO% Real !!_____—— xoxo [[ PRETTY ]] ♡ █ ▆ [[ HOT ]] ▆ █ ♡ [[ PRETTY ]] xoxo - 21
(New Haven, Milford West Haven incalls)
Connecticut's Best Body Rub is Provided Only by Me! Three Sessions in One! - 25
(Hartford, Outcalls to Hartford, New Haven, Etc.)
waiting & willing to ac0mpany y0u t0 y0ur desires..
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut)
♥♡♥♡#1 rEqUeStEd º•○●º•○●º eXoTiC bOmBsHeLl☆ •○●º•○ ♥♡♥♡100% rEaL pIcTuReS - 24
$50 SPECIAls♡mmmm..bby sexy mindie want 2 be ur sexy whoR£ on this lonely SUNDAY.º••●24/7 - 27
(New Haven, new havenmilf.brdptorange)
6O$$ .:: WATERBURY! 💋 Lunch time specials with LUSTY 👑 Puertorican beauty 6O$$ - 22
(Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, Waterbury)
💄•★• Sexy BLONDE•★• IndEPeNDeNT •★• Fully ToPLEsS •★•💄 PrOStATe•★•💄ToYS - 28
(New Haven, Milford Incalls)
♥AVAILABLE!!♥ °•°PETiTE °•° BLoNdE °•° PRiNCESS °•° aMaZiNG MaSSaGE °•°♥ - 28
(New Haven, Milford Incalls)
Beautiful Girl ▃▓▓JUST ENJOY▓▓▃GRAND OPEN~~!!! - 24
(Hartford, New Haven, 632 E MAIN ST ,MERIDEN,CT 06450)
New photos late night specials im back BeLlA *Good girl. . GONE Bad* beautiful - 22
(New Haven, Waterbury)
❤UPSCALE Cutie ❤ Let's Slide and Glide Together ❤♥ Nuru, Fetish Specialist READY NOW ♥ - 26
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Outcall Upscale residence & hotels only)
Part Time Work That Will Complement Your Full Time Life - 100
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, Boston)
~~~203-662-1111 ------100% Satisfaction Massage with Asian Hotties SWEET ~~~~ - 23
(New Haven, I-95Exit#11, Stamford, Norwalk, New Have)
new girl wenderful massage,203-421-6633 .@@ 200 Boston Post Rd.Madison CT - 23
(New Haven, 200 Boston Post Rd.Madison.CT 06443)
***NORTH MAIN STREET SPA*** *Hot Steam Room* *Free Table Shower* *Full Body Rubs* ~R~E~L~A~X~~~ - 25
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, 1185 NORTH MAIN STREET,PROVIDENCE RI)
Visiting My Home State For 11 more Wks. Yes Every Day is a Beach Day. Incall/Outcall - 44
(New Haven, Exit 39 A I-95 203-seven45-eight774)
YUMMY LINDA ! Let me rub you the RIGHT WAY! Erotic sensual full body massage.*Special two girls * - 36
(New Haven)
🎼🎼🎼🌞🌞NEW Opening /Pretty Girl/100% body Relaxion🎶🎶🎶🎶☎203-691-0049 - 24 - 24
(Milford 95 ext 39A, New Haven, New Haven, New Haven)
Outcall ~~ * Spice Up your Day/Night * ~~ Faurfield County OUtcall - 33
(New Haven, OUTCALL Stamford thru Milford -- Only)
Experience ... The Art of Touch.. Day/Night.. * Hotel - Residence * ~ Outcall ~ - 30
(New Haven, * Fairfield - County * Outcalls)
█ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▃ GRAND OPEN * KOREAN GIRLS MASSAGE ▃ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ █ - 2 0 3 - 3 1 5 * 0 1 0 0 - 25
(New Haven, 223 E MAIN ST BRANFORD CT 06405)
► Grand Opening ! ◄ Extrem ely Relaxing Asian Touch - 25
(New Haven, Fairfield County)
$150. Topless Full Rub Hands/Lips/Mutual Touch/Prost@te M@ssage. Incall/Outcall - 47
(New Haven, Milford Condo. 47five-202-3nine2nine.)
▃ ▃ GRAND OPEN ❤ KOREAN❤GIRLS ❤ MASSAGE ▃ ▃ - 2 0 3 - 3 1 5 * 0 1 0 0 - 23
(New Haven, 223 E MAIN ST BRANFORD CT 06405)
***NORTH MAIN STREET SPA*** ~~~ INCREDIBLE FULL BODY MASSAGE ~~~ ~ R ~ E ~ L ~ A ~ X ~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, 1185 NORTH MAIN STREET,PROVIDENCE RI)
princeandprincessmassage - 40
(Bridgeport, Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, Waterbury/Hartford Ct private residence)
a touch of class - 54
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, mystic/ledyard, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, Norwich)
BONDASSAGE, baby! Uber Sexy, Well Reviewed, Prebooking Discount - 38
(Hartford and New Haven, New Haven)
► }Grand Opening ! ~~ A Comfortable & Private place. Nice & clean rooms{ ◄ - 25
(New Haven, Fairfield County)
Best Asian Massage is opening in town - Blue Rose Spa - 30
(115 Main St (Route 7) Monroe, CT 06468, New Haven)
★★★★★★GRAND OPENING★★★ Not the same feeling, waiting for you!★★★203-693-3007★★★★★★ - 25
(New Haven, 365 New Haven Ave Unit 5 Milford ct)
Absolutely I am the Best Choice for CT Businessmen. They Deserve Better. MILF Cougar Spinner.. - 47
(New Haven, Stratford Metro area. .203-815-7525)
Beautiful licensed massage therapist, enjoy the finest massage in New Haven County. - 22
(New Haven, Seymour)
*100 Rub includes LIPS on EVERY INCH & Nude Mutual Touch &,Prost@te M@ssage.Wow!. - 69
(New Haven, STRATFORDNO TEXTS 475-225-0976 NO TEXTS)
—❀— B e a u t i f u l —G i r l s —B e s t—M a s s a g e—B e s t —203. 662. 1111 ——❀—— - 23
(New Haven, Fairfield County, I-95 Exit #11)
Attention Escorts! Come to Sunny Southern California and Make BIG Money! We pay Travel! - 35
(Hartford, New Haven, Beverly Hills)
▲█▼I Have The Perfect TOUCH ! ❤ ツ ❤ Webage Proof Here VISITING She-Male JOY ▲█▼ - 23
(New Haven, NEW HAVEN US.91)
▃ ▃ ▃GRAND OPENING ▃ ▃ ▃ NEW ❤ MANAGE ▃ ▃ ▃ SWEET ❤ ASIAN ❤ GIRLS❤959-999-2711 - 20
(Milford New Haven, New Haven)